Marketing Automation

Engage, Convert, and Succeed with Dynamic Landing Pages.

Multiply your marketing impact

Sendimpactt automation tool helps you save time, boost engagement and increase customer loyalty with automated email sequences.

Marketing impact with automated email sequences
Customized email journey

Great results with minimal efforts

Begin instantly with pre-designed customer journey templates and visual automation builder. Initiate automated campaigns that are personalized and relevant. Begin your journey for free.

Personalized communications at right moment

Automate customer interactions effortlessly at key touchpoints with your brand.

Choose from pre-designed onboarding and behavior-based email workflows or create your own custom campaigns to engage subscribers effectively.

Pre-designed customer journey email templates

Advance Email Automation Using Effortless Integration

Supercharge your email marketing workflow by using APIs to integrate your favorite web services, like CRMs. If you can’t find an existing integration, Sendimpactt makes it easy for developers to smoothly integrate with other apps.

Email automation integrations - SendImpactt

Multiply email impact using predefined automation workflows

Select from predefined workflows and streamline your email automation with ease. Craft automated workflows that drive up sales and capture 

potential leads without draining your resources.

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Welcome new subscribers

Introduce yourself and your organization to people when they sign up for your audience.

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Subscriber added date

Send an email automatically when a subscriber joins your audience list.

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Say goodbye to subscriber

Send an email to say sorry when a subscriber unsubscribes from your audience list

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Weekly recurring

Schedule your campaign to automatically on a specific week day you choose.

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Say 'Happy birthday'

Celebrate with an exclusive offer or cheerful message on the birthday of your audience.

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Specific date

Send a one-time message based on an individual date field, like an appointment.

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Abandoned Cart Reminder

Send follow-up email to someone who has added items to the cart but didn't purchase it.

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Monthly recurring

Schedule your campaign to automatically sent on a specific date of the month.


Email automation streamlines workflows, increases efficiency, enhances personalization, and boosts engagement, leading to better campaign performance.

Email automation encompasses a wide range of communication types that can be strategically deployed throughout the customer journey.

Various types, including welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, birthday greetings, and re-engagement campaigns, can be automated.

Automating emails streamlines processes, ensuring timely and consistent communication. Personalization and segmentation enhance engagement and relevance. Automated workflows nurture leads, driving conversions and revenue. Analytics provide insights for continuous optimization, maximizing email marketing effectiveness.

Businesses gauge email campaign success through metrics like open rate, click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate, revenue generated, and ROI. Analyzing these metrics helps assess campaign effectiveness, identify strengths and weaknesses, and optimize strategies for improved results in future campaigns.

Common mistakes in email automation include over-sending emails, neglecting personalization, skipping testing, disregarding opt-in practices, forgetting updates, poor timing, not monitoring performance, and ignoring feedback. Avoiding these errors ensures effective, engaging automated email campaigns that resonate with subscribers and contribute to marketing success.

Marketing Automation - Questions-Answers

Ready to start automated email marketing?

Premium top-in-industry standards capabilities lower in pricing and best in ROI for your businesses.

Free Forever, No credit card to start. Cancel anytime.