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Subscriber information

Managing subscriber data is a crucial aspect of maintaining an accurate and engaged Contact List at Sendimpactt. You can easily add, remove, or update subscriber details such as email addresses, names, countries, companies, and more. Here's how you can edit a subscriber's data:

  • Navigate to the “Contact list” within your Sendimpactt account.
  • Click on the “Subscriber tab” and select the desired List

Audience lists

Contact list - Subscribers

  • To access their profile click on the email id for which we want to change the data.
  • Scroll down to the Subscriber details section and click on the Edit button.

Contact list - add tags

  • Make the necessary changes to the subscriber's details.
  • You can also Add tags, and verify the email(if you have the email verifications credits)
  • Once you've finished editing, click on Save changes to update the subscriber's information.

It's important to note a few key points:

  • Editing a subscriber's email address is limited to once per month.
  • Any updates made to an email address will be recorded in the Activity section of the subscriber's profile for transparency and tracking purposes.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage and maintain the accuracy of subscriber data within your Sendimpactt account.

Once someone has successfully signed up to your email list, you can find them on the Subscribers page .

When you create a form or landing page to collect email addresses, you select a “contact list” into which subscribers of that form will be added. To find subscribers who were added to a specific LIST after completing a form:

  1. Click on the list
  2. Select the desired list which was used to store the contact of the form & Navigate to the Subscribers page
  3. Here you will see all the subscribers

Contact - Subscribers list

Importing subscribers into Sendimpactt is a seamless process that offers flexibility and convenience. Here, we'll outline the top three methods for importing subscribers:

  • From a CSV or TXT file:
    • Navigate to the Subscribers page and click on “Import”.
  • Select it from your computer.
  • Click Import subscribers.
  • Proceed to the Import settings page to further customize the import.

Subscribers contact list

Import subscribers list

  • Manually adding a single subscriber:
    • Select the Add subscriber tab.
    • Fill out the subscriber's Email and Name fields.
    • Optionally, add more fields
    • Click Save finalize the process.

Adding new subscribers

After uploading your subscriber list, you'll be prompted to adjust import settings, including assigning subscribers to specific List  and matching columns in your spreadsheet to fields in Sendimpacttt.

It's essential to verify that all subscribers have provided explicit permission to receive emails. Sendimpactt automatically removes duplicate email addresses to ensure recipients don't receive duplicate newsletters.

Importing subscribers does not trigger double opt-in confirmation emails, as it's assumed you've already obtained consent from your subscribers.

Here are some additional tips and considerations:

  • Server's max upload file size is limited to 1024M. Make sure your input file does not exceed this limit.
  • Acceptable file type is CSV with a header row containing the column / field names like EMAIL, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME...
  • You can download a sample input file here (Sample.csv)
  • All information should be contained within one sheet in the spreadsheet.
  • Avoid leading or trailing spaces in records.
  • Review the import summary to identify any failed imports and reasons for failure, such as invalid email addresses or unsubscribed status.

Understanding subscriber statuses is crucial:

  • Active: Subscribers eligible to receive emails.
  • Unconfirmed: Subscribers who haven't confirmed their subscription.
  • Bounced: Emails that have hard bounced and cannot be delivered.
  • Unsubscribed: Subscribers who have opted out.
  • Spam : Subscribers who marked your email as spam.
  • Deleted: Removed from all lists but still stored in the system.

By following these guidelines, you can efficiently manage your subscriber list and ensure compliance with Sendimpactt's policies and regulations.

List and Segments

In Sendimpactt, subscribers are organized within lists and segments, each serving distinct purposes in managing your subscriber base effectively.


  • A segment is a dynamic list of subscribers defined by a rule or condition created with Sendimpactt's filters.
  • Segmentation allows you to group subscribers based on common traits, enabling personalized and targeted campaigns.
  • Segments are automatically updated as subscribers meet or no longer meet the defined rule.
  • Examples of segmentation criteria include groups, fields, signup date, time zone, campaign engagement, and more.
  • Subscribers can only be added or removed based on whether they meet the rule.
  • Segments enhance campaign relevance, resulting in improved open and click rates.

List :

  • A list, does not have specific rules or criteria for inclusion. Instead, subscribers are manually added or removed based on your preferences.
  • Lists are not updated automatically and only change when subscribers are manually moved or through automation actions.
  • Subscribers can be filtered before adding them to a list, allowing for manual selection based on specific criteria.
  • Lists are useful for organizing subscribers without common criteria or for lists that you want to manage manually.
  • You can use lists for various purposes such as sending campaigns, importing subscribers, setting up automation triggers, and managing sign-up forms.

When to Use Lists vs. Segments:




Sending a campaign

Importing subscribers from a file

Setting up an automation trigger

Creating a list that updates automatically


Creating a list that you can update manually


Using a sign-up form (pop-up, embedded, site)


In summary, segments are ideal for automating subscriber categorization based on specific criteria, while lists offer manual control over subscriber organization. Both lists and segments play crucial roles in targeted marketing efforts, allowing for tailored campaigns to enhance engagement and relevance.


Unsubscription management

Your Sendimpactt Contacts serves as a centralized hub for managing all your contacts, whether they are subscribed, unsubscribed, non-subscribed, or cleaned. Unsubscribed contacts are individuals who previously received your emails but have chosen to opt out.

Here's how you can view your unsubscribed contacts:

  • Access Your Contacts:
    • Click on "Contact List" from the Sendimpactt dashboard, then select "List”

Contact list - Sendimpactt

Select the relevant list on which you want to check the unsubscribed emails.

Unsubscribed selection list

  • You can view and manage your unsubscribed contacts from here

You can also do the following settings at the list level:

  • Subscribe
  • Unsubscribe
  • Copy to
  • Move to
  • Send confirmation email
  • Delete

By following these steps, you can easily view and manage your unsubscribed contacts in Sendimpactt. If you want to learn more about how unsubscribes work in Sendimpactt, you can check out the "About Unsubscribes" section for additional information.

Manually unsubscribe the recipients:

Here's how you can view your unsubscribed contacts:

  • Access Your Contacts:
    • Click on "Contact List" from the Sendimpactt dashboard, then select "List”
    • Select the relevant list on which you want to unsubscribe emails.
    • Click on the three dot on the right of the email
    • Click on unsubscribe

Now this email will not receive any communication.

Subscription List setting

Unsubscribed recipients are individuals who have indicated that they no longer wish to receive your newsletters. This could be due to various reasons, such as clicking the unsubscribe link in your newsletter's footer, being unsubscribed during a cleanup of inactive subscribers, or being manually unsubscribed by you.

Here's what happens to unsubscribed recipients:

  • Automatic Removal: Unsubscribed recipients are automatically removed from your active subscriber list as soon as they unsubscribe. This means they will no longer receive newsletters or be included in your automation workflows.
  • Location in Subscribers Page: Unsubscribed recipients can be found on the Subscribers page under the All subscribers tab when you select to view Unsubscribed.

Finally, if you need to reactivate an unsubscribed recipient, follow these steps:

  • Find the Subscriber from the list
  • Reactivate: Click the Actions button followed by Subscribe.

It's important to note that you cannot reactivate unsubscribed recipients in bulk..

Note: Need to check from developer team

Custom fields

At Sendimpacttt, a custom field is a designated space to capture specific information provided by subscribers through signup forms. Unlike standard fields, which include default categories like Name, Last name, Email, Phone, Company, Country, State, City, and Zip, custom fields offer the flexibility to gather additional data tailored to your needs.

Creating custom fields is a straightforward process:

  • Navigate to the Contact List page on your Sendimpacttt account.
  • Locate the “Manage the List Fields” tab after creating the List Group.

Manage list fields

Click on Add more button:

Create new field

  • Input the field name and select the field type from the following
    • Text
    • Number
    • Dropdown
    • Multiselect checkbox
    • Radio 
    • Date
    • Datetime
    • Text area
  • Click Save changes to finalize the process.

Your newly created field will be accessible on the List Fields page for future use.

Email personalization through custom fields is a powerful feature in Sendimpacttt. Each field, including custom ones, is associated with a specific tag. For instance:

  • {{SUBSCRIBER_EMAIL}l} inserts the subscriber’s email address.
  • {{SUBSCRIBER_LAST_NAME} inserts the subscriber’s Last name.

Leveraging personalized variables enhances the effectiveness of your campaigns. Rather than generic greetings, you can directly address each subscriber by incorporating the information they provided in custom fields.

Enhance subscriber information collection by incorporating custom fields into your forms. Follow these steps:

  • Click the Edit button next to your form's title.
  • Access form settings by clicking on the Email field.
  • What ever fields we have in the contact list for which we are preparing form those fields will auto reflects in the Tags option.
  • Choose the desired custom field and set its label based on your design preferences.